Introduction Welcome Video


We are so glad you're interested in coming to visit!


What is it like?

We are a non-denominational, evangelical, Bible-based church founded by Winchester residents in 1993. We come from many different backgrounds including those who have no religious background. We are from different countries and different cultures, but one thing binds us all together: we strive to follow Jesus Christ, in whom we have placed our faith as Savior and Lord.  

A key part of our faith is the belief that the Bible is the word of God and holds within it God’s revelation of Himself, His nature, His purpose, His plans, His expectations for all people, and His glorious gospel. The whole Bible can be summed up in one sentence, ‘Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.’ At Hope Christian Church, we strive to put this into practice in all we do.

What about my kids?

We offer a Nursery and Children's Church program during the worship service.  Upon arrival one of our Welcome Team Members will help you check-in your children in the lobby.  The Nursery is open for drop-off 10-minutes before the service begins.  Older children, PreK to 6th grade, will stay with their parents in the sanctuary for the first 20 minutes of the service for the welcome and worship together.  Kids PreK-6th grade are then welcome to attend  Children's Church located in our large multifunction room downstairs. 

Children's Church begins with music and a large group review of the previous week's lesson.  Kids are then split up into age-graded classes for a Bible lesson, activities, crafts, and games.  After the service parents pick up children at their classroom. 

Where do I park?

The main place to park is the public parking lot next to our building that we share with the Jenks center.

What do I wear?

Most people dress in either casual or business casual. 

How can I get connected?

There are many ways to get connected no matter what age or stage of life. We have over 15 LIFE groups and ministries with college, young adults, families, and men and women's groups.