Worship Team Ministry

Worship Team Ministry

Guidelines for HCC Worship Team Ministry

  • You must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that is consistent and growing through personal prayer, Bible study and church fellowship
  • You must be a covenant member of HCC or consider HCC to be your home church and be in agreement with our Statement of Faith
  • As a vocalist or instrumentalist, you must demonstrate technical competence and be comfortable on stage and expressive in your praise and worship before God in a spirit of humility. Excellence is expected but not with a “performance mindset”, rather with a notion of being first a worshiper and then a musician.
  • Your competence will be assessed in part by your ability to be able to participate adequately after only one rehearsal.
  • As an audio/visual technician, you must be technically competent or be willing to learn under the existing AV team’s leadership.

Commitment to a Holy Lifestyle

  • You are expected to live a lifestyle that is “above reproach” (1Timothy 3:2), avoiding even the appearance of evil. As a person who will be serving up-front on the stage leading people in worship in song, you serve as an example of what a Christian should look like. 


  • Your selection for the team on a given Sunday is at the sole discretion of the Worship Leader designated for a given Sunday. Planning Center Online (PCO) is the application we use to invite participation on a given Sunday. You are unlikely to serve every week.
  • The Worship Leader uses PCO to provide information about the worship set, usually by no later than the Friday evening prior to the Sunday service.
  • We rehearse only on Sunday mornings prior to the service. You are expected to have learned the songs in time for the rehearsal and arrive early enough to be ready to start at 8.45 a.m.
  • You are expected to dress consistent with the normal “dress code” of members of the HCC congregation but obviously with due modesty (no revealing clothing). We serve as conduits for worship and thus any attire or body language which draws the congregation away from worshiping God and towards you is to be avoided.